Back to the B minor Mass in a moment...
...but first I have some reading to catch up on. Due to a recent move to bigger digs I have fallen behind the times. Getting all my things across town and settling in has taken more time than I thought and would have liked. But now that I am comfortable I see that my last post is starting to get stale but, as I said, first I have some reading to do.
While I was lifting boxes,
Robert Gable made some interesting points about "Nixon in China" for future audiences. Mwanji Ezana, returned from Martinique, enjoyed some open-air concerts that included a performance on an instrument called the "
oud." Charles T. Downey made a fantastic
list of operas to enjoy and Jessica Duchen had some strong remarks regarding
Brendel and Birtwistel. It is past time for me to turn in so I will have to finish Kyle Gann's August archieve tomorrow and delay the pleasure of learning what Alex Ross and Helen Radice have been up to.
'till tomorrow, then.